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  • Writer's pictureDeirdre Gamill-Hock

Is the Destination the Only Purpose of the Journey?

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

Most people have destinations in mind as they journey through life. These destinations define our choices and - whether we reach our goals or not - how we see ourselves in the world. Can happiness and success only be realized after reaching a destination? Once there, will you be able to breathe a big sigh of relief and live happily ever after? Or could our destination be a moving target that allows us to grow and thrive in pursuit of it?

Here are 7 reasons to appreciate the journey.

1. You get to know yourself.

Any journey can - and should - be a journey to self-discovery. Who are you, and who you want to be? No path is smooth, but you can use the challenges within your journey to figure out what works for you and what needs to be changed.

2. You learn to survive failure.

Perhaps the best way to acquire wisdom in life is through failure. Failure lets you know what's not working, and overcoming it strengthens your character. This inspires you to conquer obstacles and face challenges as you chase your dreams.

3. You can rethink your destination.

A lot can happen on your journey that may make you rethink your destination. As you grow and mature, you may realize that your goals have changed. You may need to let go of some preconceived notions. Don't be afraid to adjust your path and alter what no longer serves you.

4. You get time.

Timing is everything, and rushing decisions can work against you. Having time to plan and wait for the right moment to step forward is not a bad thing. Some things may only become evident when we have time to think about them. A journey gives you the chance to prepare a proper action plan, review it and correctly implement it.

5. You are motivated to work harder.

Achievement is more satisfying when you have to work hard to obtain it. Roadblocks and frustrations may be challenging, but overcoming them gives you a sense of accomplishment and triumph. The attainment of your goal is doubly sweet when you put your all into it to succeed.

6. You will appreciate the destination more.

By understanding the steps to achieve your goal, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the destination. Dreams and goals are not easy to achieve. They require planning, work, and commitment. You will learn to respect the journey as much, if not more, than the destination.

7. You are defined by your journey, not the destination.

Sometimes your path takes you to where you intended to go, but other times it leads somewhere unplanned. Often, we even change our goals while traveling towards them. You must remember that life is not about the ending – the destination. Every life is a journey of steps, and only by moving forward can we grow and thrive.

Which is more meaningful to you, the journey or the destination?

Tell me why in the comments.

Deirdre Gamill-Hock is a lifestyle/wellness coach and freelance writer/editor who writes engaging content for blogs and small businesses. Contact her at or click here.

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