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Writer's pictureDeirdre Gamill-Hock

How to Add 1 Hour of Walking to Your Day - 20 Minutes at a Time.

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

When you consider the many benefits of daily exercise, it makes sense to consider walking to work. Health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise such as a brisk walk. Check out this article on walking briskly.

Health benefits can include losing fat and building muscle, which reduces your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and more. Mental and emotional health can be enhanced by decreasing anxiety, improving self-esteem, and reducing fatigue.

However, you may not be able to do this if you work from home, commute, or the weather isn’t cooperating. Still, if you walk 30-60 minutes five days a week at any time of the day, you'll feel better, be more productive, and potentially lose some weight.

Worried about walking while social distancing? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has some advice.

Add one hour of walking to your day, 20 minutes at a time.

Are you a morning person?

A morning stroll can help boost your mood, reduce anxiety, and ease depression symptoms. It can also help you improve mental clarity and increase your focus throughout the day. A morning walk has even been shown to help people sleep better at night!

Prepare for Your Morning Walk.

  • Lay out your exercise clothing the night before – including your sneakers.

  • Find friends to walk with you.

  • Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier.

Time for Lunch!

Workers that take a 20-30 minute walk halfway through their workday have been shown to have increased enthusiasm, feel more relaxed, and be less stressed after their lunchtime walk.

Prepare for Your Midday Walk.

  • Make a plan. Is there a good route where you work? A nearby gym? Do you have access to a treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, or rowing machine?

  • Bring your walking shoes to work. If you have an extra pair, leave them at work.

  • Invite co-workers to walk with you.

The Day is Done.

Time to unwind and reset your mind from work to home. Not time to walk before dinner? A stroll after dinner can also help you relax and digest your meal. After walking, most people will need an hour or two before their bodies are ready to sleep.

Prepare for Your Evening Walk.

Make a walk part of your evening routine. It might be your most pleasant chore. Family walks will build bonds and give family members the chance to interact without the distraction of the TV and Smart Phones.

How to Make it Happen.

  • Get the whole family involved in preparing simple meals and cleaning up together.

  • Make sure everyone's walking clothes are laid out and ready. Did you remember the sneakers?

  • Remind yourself that nothing, not even that new reality show, is as essential as your health as getting your steps in.

Looking for some other ways to get more movement into your life?

  • Park further away from your destinations to add a few more steps.

  • Ride the bus? Get off a stop or two earlier.

  • Use peer pressure. Recruit your friends, family, and neighbors to hold you accountable with set appointments to walk.

  • Adopt a dog. Most dogs love their walks and will be insistent in letting you know. Word of caution: make sure you have room in your life for this commitment before adopting.


Studies show that the risk of dying prematurely is increased by 60% for people who sit eight hours or longer without exercising. Men and women showed increased risks of heart disease and cancer.

So make time to add some exercise to your day, whether it’s 20 minutes at a time or a one-hour session.

How do you fit walking into your day? Tell me in the comments.

Deirdre Gamill-Hock is a lifestyle/wellness coach and freelance writer/editor who writes engaging content for blogs and small businesses. Contact her at or click here.

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